Code of Practice

Accessible Fuel Sampling Guide

The secretariat has recently updated the CoP to include an annex providing an overview of they key standards and procedures necessary to ensure representative samples of RDF. The annex has been developed in recognition that the heterogenous nature of both RDF and SRF creates the potential for wide ranging fuels that may not be suitable […]

Updated Refuse Derived Fuel Code of Practice for the UK

The Code of Practice (CoP), prepared by Eunomia as secretariat to the RDF Industry Group, sets out a framework that shares good practice across the industry. It is intended to increase both customer and regulator confidence in the processes and products of the waste derived fuel industry. The CoP covers the following stages of the […]

Code of Practice Report 2020

To ensure the high standards of the Code of Practice (CoP) are upheld, all Group members and signatories are required to report their compliance against relevant CoP stages to the secretariat on an annual basis. The secretariat has summarised this information into the below 2020 CoP Dashboard Report. The report sets out anonymised CoP breaches […]

RDF Industry Group Publishes First Code of Practice Report

Each of the Group’s 31 members reported against their compliance with the Code of Practice in 2019, with only nine minor breaches reported. The RDF Industry Group is committed to sharing good practice across the industry to increase the confidence of both RDF customers and regulators in processes and products, and has published its first […]

CoP Reporting Procedure

In order to ensure the high standards of the CoP are upheld, all Group members and signatories are required to report to the secretariat their compliance against the relevant CoP stages on an annual basis. The secretariat uses this information to create an annual dashboard report which also provides the opportunity to share current best practice. This document describes the reporting procedure in place for the CoP.  Press the download button and supply a few details about yourself in order to access the document.

Presenting the Code of Practice to NAWDO

Bethany Ledingham, from the RDF Industry Group secretariat, attended the March general meeting of NAWDO (National Association of Waste Disposal Officers) to present the Group’s Code of Practice (CoP) for the UK. Launched in 2017, the CoP sets out a framework that shares good practice across the industry. NAWDO is the primary network for senior […]

RDF Code of Practice – Presentation

This is a presentation given by Bethany Ledingham, from the Group’s secretariat, at NAWDO’s General Meeting on 14th March 2018. It includes a discussion of the benefits the Code of Practice and some of the potential impacts of Brexit on the sector. Press the download button and supply a few details about yourself in order […]

Refuse Derived Fuel Code of Practice for the UK

This Code of Practice (CoP), prepared by Eunomia as secretariat to the RDF Industry Group, sets out a framework that shares good practice across the industry. It is intended to increase both customer and regulator confidence in the processes and products of the RDF industry.

Group Launches Code of Practice

The RDF Industry Group has published a Code of Practice (CoP) for the UK RDF market. The CoP sets out a framework that shares good practice across the industry, to increase the confidence of customers and regulators in processes and products. The CoP demonstrates that the RDF supply chain is already a highly regulated part […]